Last week, a staff member received a note from a student and it started with this:
Wildwood has changed my life!
He went on to write that since age 8, he’s been coming to the Ranch. The first time he remembers being homesick as he had never been so far away from home. He experienced new activities (like kayaking) and met people like no one he had ever met before (like people who love Jesus) and he was hooked.
He also shared about his week at the Ranch last summer when he experienced God’s love in a new way. He hurt his ankle and after his leader prayed for healing, his ankle was healed. Instantly intrigued, he prayed and became a Christian that evening. Within a week of returning home, he told his friend about his experience at camp. At his friend’s request, he successfully prayed for his friend’s back to be healed and led him in prayer to accept Christ into his life. He learned that the Holy Spirit lives inside of him and partners with us to build His kingdom. He kept in touch with his leaders over the summer and grew his leadership skills.
This year, he was a spiritual leader not only for his team but he also encouraged our staff! He has been asked to come back this summer to participate in the Young Leader phase of our Next Steps Program, in which we equip 13–15 years olds in values, leadership and financial literacy training. Young Leaders put their training to practice by facilitating programming for the younger students at the Ranch. He told us he can’t wait to return! And guess what?! We can’t wait to have him back!