Grieving Young Leaders
In an ordinary low-income Iowa neighborhood, a group of young boys found a book bag full of guns. One of the 14-year-olds brought the guns home to show off to his siblings. In an upstairs bedroom he twirled a gun…
In an ordinary low-income Iowa neighborhood, a group of young boys found a book bag full of guns. One of the 14-year-olds brought the guns home to show off to his siblings. In an upstairs bedroom he twirled a gun…
In any given week, countless opportunities exist to bring hope and healing to children at the Ranch. Mission teams offer a practical provision, allowing us to deepen our impact in the lives of our students. We are indebted to these teams from churches and non-profit…
For each of the seven weeks of programming this summer at Wildwood Hills Ranch, we’ll be emailing a Story of the Week to keep you in the know of the transformation happening and what God is up to here at…
Three boys at the Ranch were slinging mud and taking shots at each other with their words. Our staff quickly diffused the escalating situation and sat down with the parties involved. One of the boys broke down in tears and told us he didn’t come…
Last week, a staff member received a note from a student and it started with this: Wildwood has changed my life! He went on to write that since age 8, he’s been coming to the Ranch. The first time he remembers being homesick as he…
We received an email from the foster parent of two children who came to the Ranch last week for our first week of programming. Here’s what she had to say about their experience: Thank you so much for allowing our…