Join us for The MinistrySafe Seminar on Tuesday, April 9 from 9 AM to 2PM at: Valley Church – 4343 Fuller Road, West Des Moines, IA 50265.
Note, a 30 minute working lunch will be included in the schedule.
This comprehensive training will describe an effective Safety System protecting children from sexual abuse in church and ministry environments. MinistrySafe offers a complete Safety System including Awareness Training, Skillfull Screening forms and training, criminal background checks, sample policies, screening forms and systems for ministry and oversight.
Topics will include: common misconceptions, abuser characteristics, the “grooming process” utilized by offenders, common “grooming” behaviors, peer-to-peer sexual abuse, reporting responsibilities, changes in current legislation, description of an effective Safety System, description of an effective Screening Process, tools and resources for reducing the risk
This event will be targeted towards: vocational ministry professionals, risk managers, pastors, children’s ministers, youth ministers, safety & security personnel, elders & deacons and ministry volunteers.
Thank you to the presenting sponsors for collaborating and coming together to make this event a success: Heartland Christian Counseling, Hidden Acres, FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), Freedom For Youth Ministries, Sunstream and Wildwood Hills Ranch of Iowa.
Please note, use the form below to complete your ticket purchase.
Early Bird Tickets are $5 (until April 1)
Ticket Price April 2 – April 8 is $10
Ticket at Door is $20
For registration questions please contact Anna Lucs at: alucs@wildwoodhillsranch.org